
Up to the age of four or five, most children have poor bladder control over night resulting in bedwetting. But after that, the inability to stay dry may be the sign of an underlying problem.

Omaha Chiropractor

Dr. Jack Belitz Specializes in relief of bedwetting symptoms in children



Call 402-333-4848 for Your Free consultation


If your child suffers from a lack of bladder control, it can cause shame, guilt, and even impaired social skills.  Bed wetting takes a tremendous toll on children.  There is a lot of embarrassment, it’s impossible to have a sleepover, plastic mattress covers are the norm, alarms are often used daily. Even as late as 5 years old, it is not uncommon to have this issue.  However, if a child older than 5 has this issue, it may be the sign of an underlying problem.

child bedwetting in Omaha, NE
Boy and girl bedwetting omaha, Ne

Bladder Physiology

There are two key muscles which control the emptying of the bladder. Their names are the Detrusor and Trigone muscles.  These muscles are controlled by nerves that exit the spinal column in the lower back and sacrum.  If these segments become miss-aligned because of a fall while learning to walk or riding a bike, for example, the nerves to the bladder control muscles may not work like they are supposed to and affect bladder function.

We have advanced computerized technology to check the function in the nervous system.  When we examine children with this condition, we often find a problem with nerve function.  If we correct this problem and restore the nerve function, very often the child is able to stay dry throughout the night.

It’s so wonderful not to have pain….to be able to stand straight. My back and neck are in the best condition they have been in many years.

I even drove 2,000 miles on a trip with no problem. Thanks to you Dr. Belitz!

Colleen Lovejoy

Published Reports

The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics have documented many studies showing the positive benefits of chiropractic care.  Here are a few of the studies that were done on bedwetting:

·         A study of 46 children received chiropractic care for a 10-week period. A quarter of those receiving chiropractic care had 50% or more reduction in the wet night frequency, while none among the control group saw a reduction. (JMPT 1994 (Nov-Dec);17 (9): 596-600)

·         Children with a history of persistent bed-wetting received eight chiropractic adjustments. The average number of wet nights fell from seven per week to four. (JMPT 1991 (Feb);14 (2): 110-115)

·         The lumbar spine of an eight-year-old male bed wetter was adjusted once and at a one-month follow-up. There was a complete resolution of enuresis (nightime bedwetting). “This happened in a manner that could not be attributed to time or placebo effect.” (JMPT 1994 (Jun);17 (5): 335-338)

girl bedwetting in Omaha, NE

Will Chiropractic Care Help Your Child?

A computerized examination is necessary to see if there is a possibility that the bedwetting is caused by nerve interference from the spine. Many children see great results with chiropractic care.  Drugs have a poor track record of helping and they all have side effects.  It makes sense to find out if your child is a candidate for this type of procedure.  Call today and let’s Find out!

We approach these cases with sensitivity and compassion. Your son or daughter will appreciate and understand our explanations.

Please call or email us if your specific concern hasn’t been addressed here.  The cost of the exam and consultation, but we are testing this new website so if you mention this when you call the office, you can get this service for only $50


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