Carpal Tunnel
There is a way to get relief from the pain of carpal tunnel without surgery!
Omaha Chiropractor
Dr. Jack Belitz Specializes in Helping Relieve The Pain Of Carpal Tunnel
Call 402-333-4848 for Your Free consultation
What is
Carpal Tunnel?
Carpal Tunnel syndrome refers to the symptoms created when a nerve that passes through a tunnel of bones in the wrist gets pinched. Therefore, you will symptoms will occur including:
– Weakness in the wrist and hand so you can’t do things like open a jar.
– Pain can start to travel up the arm sometimes as high as the shoulder or more.
– Pins and needles in the arm hand or wrist. It feels like your hand is asleep.
Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome often begin gradually and get worse. You may find an increased pain and a burning sensation or numbness from the hand all the way up the arm.

Is There a Solution for
Carpal Tunnel?
Did you know that everyday activities – even ones as simple as typing or writing cause damage to the tissues in the wrist? This is called “microtrauma”. Then every night while you are sleeping, the nerves in the arms report to the brain any damage that was done during the day. After that, the brain figures out what needs to be done to heal the damage. Finally, it uses the nerves of the body to coordinate the repair of the damage. Thus, you wake up the next morning feeling as good as you did the day before, in short, your body healed itself.
Imagine the problems that could arise if…
Imagine the problems that could arise if something happened and just a small number of those nerves did not work properly. The damage from that day would not completely heal. However, you probably wouldn’t feel any different the next day. But what will happen over the next few months if the body didn’t get the healing done day after day. Slowly but surely the pain is going to increase. Then one day you will realize you have some significant pain, however, you won’t know when the pain actually started because it came on so slowly.
The pain of carpal tunnel syndrome starts because a nerve gets pinched. Carpal tunnel surgery was developed because sometimes the bones of the wrist collapse and start to pinch the nerve. What people fail to realize is that same nerve also travels through the vertebrae of the spine, the elbow, shoulder. Any one of these places could be the cause of the pinching of the nerve. This is a big reason why the carpal tunnel surgery has less than 50% success rate after the first 2 years.
Are There Tests Available?
A computerized test can be used to determine if proper nerve function is present in you. This test is very simple and painless and doesn’t involve any needles. If a problem with nerve function is found, we can work to restore this function. When function is restored, your body can start to heal the inflamed tissues from the inside out. Then you will be back to normal without the need for surgery.
This computerized exam is normally $245.00 however, you are in luck. We are right now testing this new website. If you call and mention this offer, we will do a full consultation and the computerized exam for only $47.
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