Invest In Your Child’s Health
When your baby cries and cries, as parents and grandparents you feel helpless
Omaha Chiropractor
Dr. Jack Belitz Specializes in infant problems
Call 402-333-4848 for Your Free consultation
Why is Baby Crying?
If a baby is inconsolable, it’s hard to know what they need. Colic is defined as a baby crying more than 3 hours a day, more than 3 days a week and ususally in the afternoon and evening.
The most common cause of colic is a digestive disturbance. Consider that there is a very complex coordination of muscles needed to allow the digestion of food. It is called peristaltic action. This is what allows the food to travel from the mouth through the body. The coordination of all these muscles is able to happen because all of the muscles are recieving proper signals from the brain through the nerves.
If there is a problem with the nerve signals the coordination of these muscles could be disrupted which would cause a great deal of pain for the baby.
When we find the cause of the nerve disruption and remove it, the baby is able to coordinate the muscle contraction needed to move the food correctly and the pain is relieved. This means “Happy Baby”
Don’t let you’re baby (and You) suffer any more
It’s time to see if your baby’s pain is due to nerve disfunction. Call the office to schedule an exam and let’s see if we can stop the colic. By mentioning this web page, you will get an exam and consultation that is normally $245 for only $47
Click "Submit" when you are done!
A 67% Reduction in Crying
The results of a randomized controlled trial published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiologic Therapeutics tracked a small group of 50 infants. Half received the drug Dimethicone and the other spinal manipulation. At the conclusion of the two-week study, the babies being adjusted saw a 67% reduction in crying and the drug therapy group saw a 38% reduction.