Ear Infection
Does the Ear Infection keep coming back even after antibiotics?
If you are the parent of a child with a constant ear infection, this message is for you.
Seeing a child in pain makes parents feel utterly helpless. The child is suffering but there isn’t anything that can be done to ease the pain. No wonder reoccurring ear infections account for a huge number of pediatrician visits every year.
Traditional approaches include:
Antibiotic therapy: This may be effective for acute bacterial infections, but most cases are viral and antibiotics are useless for helping viral infections.
Tubes in the Ears: Surgical implantation of artificial drainage tubes, require the use of a risky anesthesia and the tubes often come out.
To be blunt, these options suck. The antibiotic rounds create a possibility of more problems, because the antibiotics not only kill the bad bacteria but they also kill the good stuff that kept you from getting sick. As for the surgery, what parent wants their kid to have a surgery in there ear? Maybe if here was no other option, but That is the thing. There are more options…
Many parents are choosing a more conservative approach… because they are learning about chiropractic.
Chiropractic care:
The nervous system is like the quarterback of a football team. When the quarterback goes down, the whole team falls apart. When the nervous system has a disturbance, the communication in the body gets all jumbled. Even something like a simple bacterial infection becomes a huge problem because the body isn’t able to coordinate the immune system like it should. This means that the infection gets huge and doesn’t go away like it should and when it does, it keeps coming back. This could very easily account for reoccurring ear infections in infants and children.
A simple examination is all it takes to determine if this is the problem if it is, there are very safe methods of dealing with the issue and it doesn’t require any prescription drugs that all have side effects.
We see a great deal of children in our office, many of them because of ear infections. The methods we use are not only safe and gentle, but very effective at removing the nervous system impairments and allowing the child’s own immune system to clear up the infection the way it was designed to.
Interesting facts you may want to know:
- Statistics show that 85% of all children suffer from ear infection.
- Ear infection are the #1 reason for visits to the pediatrician.
- In the United States, it is reported that there are over 30 million visits to pediatricians for ear infections.
- Amoxicillin and other antibiotics are the most frequently used forms of therapy.
- Numerous studies reported in the Journal of American Medical Association, The Lancet, etc, have shown antibiotics to be ineffective, and inappropriate for the treatment of ear infections.
- Antibiotic resistant bacteria are one of the fastest growing and greatest concerns in the health fields, Research blames much of this problem to the over prescription and overuse of antibiotics for ear infections in children.
- The diagnosis and treatment of ear infections has risen nearly 60% in the last 20 years.
- Surgery to put tubes in the ear often fails to reduce the number of ear infections, and may be associated with long-term hearing loss.
- The profit of sales of antibiotics and treatment for ear infections exceeds 2 billion dollars per year.
- Research has demonstrated that up to 70% of earaches are caused by viruses. Viruses do not respond to antibiotics. Antibiotics are still prescribed the majority of the time. – It just doesn’t make any sense.
These facts should be frightening to a parent of a child who suffers from ear infections.
An Ear Infection is painful!
The good news is, we understand your pain and we want to help. We have amazing diagnostic equipment which can help isolate the source of why the body isn’t clearing up the infection on its own. . The cost of the test and consultation is normally $245, but because we are developing this new website, if you mention you saw this here, you will receive these services for only $5.
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