Do You Suffer From Sciatica?
Omaha Chiropractor
Dr. Jack Belitz Specializes in Severe Back Pain and Sciatica Relief
Call 402-333-4848 for Your Free consultation

Did You Know?
- Did You know that back surgery is only successful about 50% of the time? That percentage may sound hopeful, but a “successful surgery” means the pain has gone away for one year. Surgery patients rarely find that their lives and activity go back to normal or that the pain stays away for more than a year and often the pain returns in a much shorter time.
- Did you know that prescription painkillers and muscle relaxers only stop your brain from receiving the pain signals. They don’t actually fix any problems.
- Did you know that if you use prescription painkillers or muscle relaxers for a prolonged time, your body will ‘need’ for more in order for them to continue ‘working5? This often times lead to addictions!
- Did you know that Physical Therapy treatments usually focus on prevention and management of injuries instead of solving the problem? This means that any success is dependent on continuing any therapy as long say you want the pain to stay away.
- Did you know that a study showed that people who go in for back surgery believe they will be able to do everything they could before the pain started? The reality is that even if the surgery is considered successful, you will rarely have the mobility and abilities that you did before.
- Did you know that even surgeons agree that surgery should be your very last option?
I even drove 2,000 miles on a trip with no problem. Thanks to you Dr. Belitz!
Colleen Lovejoy

If you are considering surgery…
You should know the risks!
Back surgery is something that many people start to give strong consideration when the pain starts to get really bad. You always hear about people having back surgery, but how successful is it? The State of Ohio Workers Compensation department spends an enormous amount of money every year on back surgery and they wanted to find out how successful surgery really is so they did a study which included 1,450 patients. All of them had back pain and sciatica pain down their leg severe enough to keep them out of work. Half of these patients had surgery, the other half did not. They were followed for two years to see how they did.
The results of the study concluded that back surgery actually led to:
- increased disability
- Increased opiate use. and
- A very poor return to work rate.
I have a full summary of the study prepared for you. Click the link below to see this important information.
It is now mid-September and I am virtually free of any pain in my back. I would highly recommend this doctor and procedure to anyone who suffers from back pain.
J. H.

Get out of pain so you can live life to the fullest!
Many of our patients come in having lost all hope of feeling better because they thought they tried everything including:
- Muscle relaxers
- Painkillers
- Physical therapy
- A medical doctor
- Acupuncture
- Massage therapy
- Shots
- Or even another chiropractor
Even with all their efforts, the back pain kept getting worse and worse
If this sounds like your story it’s time to try something different
Call 402-333-4848 for your consultation now to see if you qualify for our advanced care program.

Are You In Pain and Want Help Now?
Take advantage of our offer for a free consultation and explore the possibilities of getting your life back to normal!
Call 402-333-4848 Now to schedule Your free consultation
Why Consult Dr. Belitz?
Do you feel that your back pain is too bad to consider anything but surgery? I can tell you that over the years, many of my patients felt the same way. They had tried medical doctors who gave them shots and pills, physical therapists who gave them exercises and even other chiropractors but none of the treatments gave any long term help. I have been specializing in severe back pain patients for over 20 years and have helped thousands of patients avoid the need for surgery. Most experts would agree that surgery should be your last option. Come in and say, “Hi”, and we can discuss whether you would be a good candidate for the type of care which could change your life.
A Different Approach
The reason we are able to help you where others have failed is because we approach your back pain from a different angle. We utilize advanced computerized technology to analyze your problem and determine if you are a good candidate for our special care.
Get Help For Your Back Pain Today
The good news is, we understand your pain and we want to help. We have amazing diagnostic equipment which can help isolate the source of the pain and determine if you are a good candidate for our care. The cost of the test and consultation is normally $245, but because we are developing this new website, if you mention you saw this here, you will receive these services at no charge
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Is back pain keeping you from doing the things you want to do?
I’m Dr. Jack Belitz and a short time ago, I was in severe back pain myself. It took me almost 3 years to recover. Once I found the solution, I decided to dedicate my practice to people like yourself who have severe back pain. For over 20 years, I have been adding new technology and the latest techniques to provide the people who have severe back pain a great chance to avoid surgery. Call 402-333-4848 and let’s get together to see if I can help you.
Free Report
Not sure if you are ready to make an appointment but want to see if you can get rid of the pain on your own? Order my Free Back Pain Relief report.
I have been in practice over 20 years treating back pain. During that time, I noticed there are some strategies that people can do right in their own home to reduce and sometimes eliminate basic back pain. These won’t work if the problem is really bad, but it is a good place to start if you aren’t sure of how bad your problem really is.
I have put together the best of the best in a 30-page report entitled:
“8 Proven Strategies to Relieve Your Back Pain”
Because you took the time to get all the way to the bottom of this page, I will give this information to you at no charge. Just type in your email address and click the button below. A copy of the book will be on it’s way to you. If you don’t see the book in a minute or 2, check your junk folder.
Call Right Now 402-333-4848