Is Stress Causing you. . .

Emotional Outbursts
Back Pain
Low Energy
Eye twitching
Sleepless Nights
Low Libido
Change in Appetite
Hair Loss
Bizarre / Recurring Dreams
Grouchy Attitude
Grinding Of Teeth At Night
A Leading Omaha Chiropractor
Omaha Chiropractor Dr. Jack Belitz Specializes in relieving the effects of severe stress no matter if it’s physical, chemical or metal/emotional.
Call 402-333-4848 to schedule your FREE Chiropractic Consultation.
3 Major Types of Stress:
Physical Stress
This includes trauma to the body from such things as car accidents, falling off of a bike, and tripping on the stairs. These are normally stresses that you are aware of when they happen. If you deal with them immediately, you can avoid any long erm problems due to this condition. However, if you put it off, it is likely that problems will get worse over time even if you aren’t aware of them as they do so. Then all of the sudden the pain comes on and you wonder where it came from.
Chemical Stress
Chemical stress happens when you are exposed to chemicals such as in a factory or taking a prescription drug. The chemicals interact with your body in various ways and cause problems. Evan taking a properly prescribed prescription drug will cause chemical stress because there are always side effects. Eating a diet of fast foods and pop will also create chemical stress because you are not supplying the body with the nutrients it needs for proper growth.
Mental/Emotional Stress
Mental / Emotional stress events happen to us almost every day. Most of the time these stresses are processed by our brain and will not have any long term affect on our life or health. However, sometimes the stress events are too overwhelming for us to process right away because the event can basically short circuit the brain. When this happens, the details of the event must be stored so you can go back and figure them out. As you store this information, tension is created on the spinal cord. Then when you go to relive that event , the tension triggers the limbic system in the brain and you feel emotion as you relive the event. It might be saddness or anger or fear.
You can probably think of a number of past events that bring up emotion in you right now. The more information that has to be stored, the greater the amount of tension. The more tension the stronger the emotion that you feel. This j These are all what happens when you experience a stress that is so bad that you can’t completely process it in the moment it is happening. It’s the difference between what you feel when you are with a big group of people and someone yells an obscenity at your group and what you feel when your loved one yells the same word directly at you.
In the first example, the insult was not directed at you personally so your higher brain was able to process the event with no emotio. You might not even remember it happened a few days later.
However when your loved one yells the same word at you personally, the higher brain will often get overwhelmed. Here is this person you love that is yelling a bad word at you. The higher brain will often shut down and allow the brain center that deals with stress to take over. The information about what happened will be stored so the higher brain can go back and figure it out later. The memory storage will often cause tension to be built up in the nerves. This tension is what activates the limbic system in your brain to feel an emotion when you recall that event. The tension will also affect how well your nerves work. People who constantly deal with lots of stress over a long period of time are a great example. They tend to look older and may not be has healthy.
This tension in the nerves can cause all kinds of problems. These include pain, lack of energy, inability to get to sleep or stay asleep. and many others.

What Can Help With Mental / Emotional Stress?
People experience different levels of mental emotional stress every day. Sometimes you can notice big effects of stress in a person who has a lot of stress.
They can look years older than their age, they can be exhausted at the end of a normal day, they can suffer from headaches, back pain and very often they are prone to emotional outbursts which can get them into trouble. Your probably wondering how something like mental emotional stress can cause all of those physical symptoms. That is a great question.
When you encounter a stress, the higher brain has to figure out what is happening. If it can, the event will have no affect on your health. However if the event is overwhelming, the information that describes that even will cause tension to be built up in the spinal cord. An example of this would be the difference between someone you don’t know yelling an obscenity at a group of people you are with and your significant yelling the same word at you later that evening. in the first example you don’t know the other person and you really don’t care because it wasn’t directed at you personally. In the second example a person who means the whole world to you yells something very hurtful directly to you. In that moment, your brain kind of short circuits and has to store the information that describes the event creating tension in the spinal cord. Then when you think about it later, you will feel emotion when you relive it in your mind because the tension triggers a part of the brain that stimulates an emotion. The more stressful the event, the more emotion is stored.
Each time you relive the event, your brain is able to understand the event a bit more so there is less tension and then you will feel less emotion the next time. Eventually you will be able to relive that event with out feeling the emotion.
Some stress events take only a day or so to get rid of, others can last for years. The tension that is placed on the spinal cord can cause your body to function at less than 100% creating the potential for pain to occur or even lowering your immune system and being more vulnerable to sickness. Listen to the video for a better understanding of this theory.