How Drinking Can Prevent

How Drinking Can Prevent Type 2 Diabetes I know – you are all thinking – Dr. Jack has to be talking about drinking something other than alcohol in this newsletter. But… I’m not…. The question is – Does drinking alcohol increase your...

Want Fries With That Burger?

Want Fries With That Burger? Of course, you want fries with that. Does the server behind the register even need to ask? Let’s face it, no meal at McDonald’s is complete without an order of its delicious fries. Just think, the world-famous french fries were...

There Might Be Progress In Alzheimer’s Research.

There Might Be Progress In Alzheimer’s Research. Hyperbaric oxygen improves brain function – but this nutrient makes it works even better. Anything we can do to protect our brains from dementia is welcome. A few months ago, I showed you how a simple habit...

Exciting News About Genetically Modified Foods

Exciting News About Genetically Modified Foods The DARK act (Deny Americans the Right to Know) was a proposed law that would have kept the American publicfrom knowing whether or not the food they were buyingwas made of genetically modified foods. Monsanto andother...