Steve Jobs was one of the big people behind Apple.  He passed a way a few years ago at the age of 56 having reached the status of billionaire.    In his last days he wrote an amazing essay that people refer to as “the Wolds Six Best Doctors”

He states that he has reached the pinnacle of success in the business world and in some people’s eyes the epitome of success.  However he points out that aside from work, he has little joy; his wealth was just a fact of his life that he became accustomed to and what he took pride in was meaningless in the face of his death.
He employed people to treasure the love for their family, spouse and friends.   He wanted people to treat yourself well and cherish others, because if you loose material things, they can be replaced, but if you loose your life, it cannot.
He cherished friends and family who will chat, laugh, talk and sing songs with is true happiness.  He expressed that you should teach your children to be happy above being rich.
One thing that was very profound…. “Eat food as your medicine; otherwise you will have to eat medicine as your food”
The six best doctors in the world are
Self confidence
There is what seems like a lot of non health stuff in there but health is not just physical. Science shows that people that keep do things such as keep a gratitude journal are more joyful…. Joy…. There is a difference between joy and happiness. Happiness is often reached after getting something, or reaching goal, happiness is a range. Joy is consistent, long term and stable, do you have joy? These best doctors by Steve Jobs may seem like just basic needs, but self care is very important and the foundation of it right there for you.
This time of year Nebraskans doesn’t get to see a lot of the sun and “seasonal depression” is popular term. Find your joy this winter, reconnect with old friends, (actually talk to them, not text not a phone call sit one on one with them), keep a journal of things you are grateful for, find exercise you like, and eat food that is good and good for you, it is possible!
Yours in Health,
Dr. Jack Belitz