Meniscus and Arthritis

Do you know what a meniscus is? It’s a disc of soft fibrous material that goes in between the two bones in the knee joint. Like everything in the body, it’s there for a reason. The Lord put it there to absorb the shock between the bones when we bear weight...

What You Should Drink If You Want To Lose Weight

Weight gain in many people is a vicious cycle. The more fat you have, the more resistant your body is to the effects of insulin, and as your insulin resistance increases your body has to produce more insulin every time you eat to keep the blood sugar under control....

Pumpkin Seeds Have Super Powers!

With Halloween gone and the thanksgiving pumpkin pie all eaten, you might just have some pumpkins laying around yet. Get Pumped About Pumpkin Seeds! At this time of year we may feel like we are waste-deep in pumpkin seeds. For many we are past all the carving for...