Traumatic Brain Injury

Don’t Have Time To Read??? Listen To Our Video This is the month of traumatic brain injury awareness month and because thee is so much confusion about this problem, I am writing this newsletter to shed some light. A Traumatic brain injury can be caused a number of...

Get Fit Part 1

Many of us this time of year look down at our body and decide we want to “get fit” for summer which is coming up sooner than we want to admit.  Government recommendations suggest about 150 minutes of moderate activity a week or 75 minutes of vigorous activity a week. ...

UnHealthy Canned Foods

I really do get it.  I was a single parent.  I know the struggles of getting your kids to all the practices, dance, martial arts classes and everything else that kids are into these days.  Sometimes all you feel  you have time for is a meal with at least a little bit...