6 Powerful Herbs That Slow The Aging Process And Boost Energy

When it comes to aging, do you think you have the most in common with a monkey, an amoeba, or a common bread ingredient?

Believe it or not, the aging process in humans is remarkably similar to that of yeast.

This is great news because it gives researchers a plethora of opportunities to both study it and try to figure out how to interrupt the aging process.

Researchers at Concordia University and Idunn Technologies think they may have done just that. They found six different plant extracts can help interrupt the aging process by turning off the internal signals that drive the aging process. This can significantly affect how fast we age.

At this point, however, this requires using the plant extracts very precisely in order for them to be effective in slowing down disease and age progression. The researchers aren’t yet entirely sure how all of them work yet. The six extracts are Centrifugal racemosa (black cohosh), Valeriana officinalis L. (Valerian root), Passiflora incarnata L. (purple passionflower), Ginkgo Bilbao, Apium graveolens L. (celery), and Salix alba (white willow bark). They’ve found that the most potent of the extracts seems to be white willow bark.

White willow bark can be a good anti-inflammatory, and it’s a good substitute for aspirin. It will also stimulate your mitochondria, the part of your cells which creates the energy so now your cells have more energy to heal.

It may be that your mitochondria is where the true anti-aging secrets of your body reside. All degenerative diseases and signs of aging can be linked to a decline in energy production.

Yours for better health,
Dr. Jack Belitz, DC

PS It will take a while for this research to make it to the level where it can be used by the general public, but this is great that these results have been found.

PPS. Want something to help build your mitochondrial activity? Co Q10, a B multiple vitamin and magnesium are all good, but making sure exercise is present in your lifestyle is very important.