New Science Shows Hidden, Deadly Risk Of Common Heartburn And Reflux Drugs

Dr Jack Belitz, DC here in Omaha, Be aware I am not giving any advice about these drugs or whether or not to use them. I am simply providing you information that is readily available on the internet so that you can use that information to make informed decisions for you and your family.

If you are a heartburn sufferer and you take any over-the-counter drug for your acid reflux, heartburn, or GERD… including Prevacid and Prilosec,… this timely report directly affects you.

Please take thirty seconds and read every word of this newsletter Carefully.

These commonly used drugs suffered a major setback recently when the FDA warned that taking them can give you a dangerous condition known as “C-Diff”. ( a potentially life threatening condition caused by a very common bacteria that is allowed to take root in your body and cause a very serious bowel inflammatory condition.)

Now there is evidence to show Prilosec, Prevacid, and other PPI’s (“Proton Pump Inhibitors”) … or the other common group of drugs for reflux called “antacids”… create another, potentially greater risk to your health. It seems antacids and PPI’s are literally starving your body of vital nutrients, and leading to all sorts of deadly health conditions.

Some conditions that have been linked to these drugs:

Irregular heartbeat
Iron deficiency
Brittle bones

These drugs, and others, do provide temporary relief from the pain of acid reflux. But they do so by suppressing the acid in your digestive system.

How PPI’s and Antacids Are Literally Starving Your Body

It is the job of the stomach acid to break down the food you eat into little pieces like proteins and vitamins and minerals. Then these pieces travel through the small intestine and as they trave through, very specialied receptors grab the little pieces of nutrients and absorb them into the body so they can be used from growth and repair. When you suppress the acid level in your stomach, foods cannot be properly broken down.

The nutrients in your foods are no longer in small enough pieces for the small intestine to absorb them. this robs you of vital building blocks for good health, such as vitamin B12 and calcium.

Even though you may be eating a healthy diet, your body is not extracting the vitamins and minerals it needs from the food you consume so you don’t have the nutrients available for the body to use for healing and growth.

There is a safe remedy

Good news is that you don’t have to take these dangerous drugs ever again – and you still get relief for your painful acid reflux, heartburn, and GERD.

Call the office at 402-333-4848 to set up a consultation right now. I have helped hundreds of patients over the past few years and once this problem is solved, you have a new lease on life.