Back Pain Might Not Mean A Back Problem – And That Could Be A Problem

This may seem like a silly topic.  But, this is the most common cause of chronic back pain I have found over all my years in practice.  There is a very good reason for that.

When most people get back pain, they will wait for a day or two or even more to see if it goes away on its own.  If the pain continues to get worse, they will look for some help.

This could be a medical doctor, physical therapist, or even a chiropractor.  In most cases, the provider will examine the back – because that is where the pain is.  They may even take x-rays and maybe even an MRI.  Sometimes the tests reveal nothing.  If it is a medical doctor, they will probably prescribe some muscle relaxers or anti-inflammatories.  A physical therapist will suggest some exercises and maybe even ice or heat.  Chiropractors may suggest adjustments to the low back.

Usually, any one of these can solve the problem. However, chronic back pain sufferers know these things don’t always work.   Many times, people who suffer from chronic back pain have tried all three of the above and possibly more than one of each.

I Am Lucky

Over the past 20 years, I have specialized in chronic back pain – some of the most challenging patients there are to find help for.  Years ago I invested in a remarkable piece of technology that allows me to locate the problem rather than just look where the pain is.  After thousands of patients, I have realized that people with chronic back pain almost always have a problem somewhere other than the low back.  This is simply because if it were a back problem, someone would have fixed it before coming to my office.

What many people forget is that the spine isn’t 27 individual segments.  It is more like a 27-story building.  This means there could be a problem on any floor above the bottom that puts really awkward pressure on that base causing pain. You will feel the pain in the low back, but the problem might be way above.  You can do anything you want to the low back, but unless you solve the problem above, the back will continue to hurt – even if you do make it feel better for a day or two.

If you know someone who is dealing with chronic back pain, send them our way for an exam.  We may be able to diagnose a problem even when many others have failed.  That is something we do all the time.

Back pain in Omaha, NE

Chronic back pain in Omaha, NE can be helped by Dr. Jack Belitz, DC