Can Cell Phones Kill People With Pacemakers?

Can Smart Phones Kill People Who Have A Pacemaker? If you have a pacemaker or an implanted defibrillator there are all kinds of electrical and magnetic fields that your doctor may have warned you about. Things such as anti-theft systems (called EAS systems), metal...

How To Stop Your Nose From Running All The Time

How to stop your nose from running all the time Are you constantly blowing your nose or suffer from a nose that seems to run all the time? I have many patients like that. They don’t have allergies. They just have a constantly runny nose. There is a word for...

Can An Antibiotic Cause Nerve Pain ?

Can An Antibiotic Cause Nerve Pain ? Antibiotics can cause all kinds of problems in the intestines because they kill off the good living there. People come into the office with serious diarrhea all the time and almost always they have been on an antibiotic within the...