Reasons To Use Chiropractic For Anxiety

Reasons To Use Chiropractic For Anxiety Chiropractic care has a long history of providing benefits for individuals who suffer from anxiety.  This type of care is an alternative to traditional care. Very often traditional care uses prescription drugs in the treatment...

Is Stress Causing Stomach issues?

Is Stress Causing Stomach Issues It sucks when your stomach isn’t feeling very good.  Sometimes it’s after you eat when your food just seems to stay there,  Other times your whole abdomen can hurt because you are constipated or have diarrhea. How are all...

What has happened to Anxiety and Depression since Covid?

What has happened to Anxiety and Depression since Covid? The numbers are staggering.  Men with anxiety or depression diagnosis have gone up 27%.  For women – it’s worse. rates are up 40%.   Now for the really bad news… A study in California showed...

Anxiety and Depression in the wintertime can be worse.

Finally, the questions becomes, how do we stop the brain from overloading the emotional center?  When we do that we can decrease or eliminate anxiety and de[pression symptoms.   It all comes down to how effectively the brain is able to process the events n your life...