The FDA Finally Bans This Dangerous Product You Might Have In Your Bathroom
Do you use antibacterial soaps? Well, if you do, you can say goodbye to them. The FDA says they don’t work any better than plain soap and water. They also say that the makers of the antibacterial soaps have never proven them to be safe.
At least 2,000 different products contain special “antibacterial” chemicals. According to the FDA, “Consumers may think antibacterial washes are more effective at preventing the spread of germs, but we have no scientific evidence that they are any better than soap and water.” But that’s not the worst of it.
Dr. Janet Woodcock, director of the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research stated, “In fact, some data suggests that antibacterial ingredients may do more harm than good over the long-term.”
That’s especially true of the most common antibacterial chemical, triclosan. While there’s no proof yet that triclosan is dangerous to people, some animal studies suggest that high doses can affect the way hormones work in the body. Triclosan is also in toothpastes, hand sanitizes, and other products. So it would not be too hard to imagine that some of us, particularly babies and children, could easily be getting exposed to high doses. The FDA is also reviewing hand sanitizes and products used by hospitals.
A Good Narrative
We have been told over and over that germs are bad and must be killed. But except in special situations, such as surgery or other medical procedures, this is just not true. Germs are actually good for us. It’s a constant exposure to a variety of germs that gives us immunity against them.
No one will argue against common sense good hygiene practices, but this obsession that so many people have about needing to sanitize everything they come into contact with is not healthy. That’s especially true when it comes to exposing ourselves to chemicals instead of germs. That practice gives us a one-two punch. One, our immunity goes down. Two, our bodies build up even more chemical toxicity. This is one action from the FDA that I support, although it took them long enough. They should have made it years ago when we told you how harmful these products can be.
Yours for better health,
Dr. Jack Belitz, DC
P.S I have been shouting this for years. I think the first newsletter I wrote on this topic was back in 2002. Even back then there were some rouge parts of the AMA that were telling people how dangerous these products are. Bacteria are not something to fear. your body can fight them and in doing so, you build up immunity. Antibiotics just make the bacteria stronger and harder for us to kill naturally. Get off these dangerous drugs and stop using hand sanitizers.
Hopefully you read this in the Christmas, but just in case you missed it we are having a special promotion and wanted to remind you. Since this is the season of giving what better than gift can you give than the gift of health? You have friends and relatives who are hurting. It’s not always east but take a minute and let them know there maybe some help. Tell them that you have arranged for a free exam if they call the office and mention your name.
As a special thank you for doing this we are giving out a gift certificate so that you can pick up anything that Santa may have forgotten to bring you. For every person that calls with your name by January 15th you will get a ticket into this special drawing.
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