
The Surprising Cause Of Gut Infections & How To Avoid Them

One of my biggest frustrations with conventional medicine is the tendency to prescribe drugs to cover up symptoms without ever addressing the cause of the symptoms. This often sets off a chain reaction of negative health effects, side effects from the drugs compounding the problem that’s causing the symptoms in the first place. Now research is showing that the common treatment for Acid Re Flux is causing intestinal infection.

Acid-suppression drugs, such as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), are commonly prescribed for this issue. PPI’s are one of the biggest offenders for stomach and intestine infections. I’ve written before about the problems PPIs can cause like kidney disease. Now a study out of Scotland reveals yet another issue these medications may contribute to.

Intestinal Infection

There’s a connection between using acid-suppression medications and an increased risk of developing a Bacteriological Intestinal Infection. The researchers found that people taking acid suppression medications had 2 to 4 times better chance developing an intestinal infection, opposed to those not taking PPI’s. It is believed that the drugs are removing too much of the stomach acid. Without enough stomach to acid to kill bacteria.

In my experience…

…people suffering “acid re flux” don’t have a problem of too much acid, but have a condition known as a hiatal hernia. This is when the top part of the stomach has herniated through the diaphragm. This causes symptoms of acid re flux because the acid produced in the top part of the stomach will go up the esophagus and into the throat. There is a technique I use to dislodge the stomach from the diaphragm which general solves the problem. Stomach acid is very important to our health.  Before taking a medication with potential side effects, come into the office.  Let’s get to the root of your ‘acid re flux’.

Yours for better health,
Dr. Jack Belitz, DC