Healthy Snacks That Can Cut Your Risk Of Heart And Other Diseases
People often assume that in order to lead healthier lifestyles, they need to quit snacking. But according to a new study, snacking could actually reduce your risk of a number of diseases and of premature death. You just have to snack healthy.
In fact, according to the analysis of 29 studies involving over 800 thousand participants, there is a healthy snack. A snack that can cut your risk of coronary heart disease by almost 30%. your risk of developing cancer by 15%, and your risk of premature death by 22%. You’ll cut your chances of death due to respiratory disease in half and your risk of diabetes by 40% as well.
So what is this miraculous snack?
It’s nuts! The researchers found that an average of 20 g of nuts — about a handful — could deliver all of these benefits. The studies they reviewed included a variety of nuts, including hazelnuts, walnuts, peanuts, and pecans, and found that the benefits were fairly consistent regardless of what kind of nut people consumed. Eating a mixture was beneficial as well.
Though nuts are high in fat, they contain a good deal of fiber, magnesium, protein, and antioxidants as well, making them a well-balanced choice for munching on. However, this is a situation in which more isn’t necessarily better. The benefits seem to peak at about 20 g per day. Eat more than that and you’ll be loading up on calories, but not doing your health much more good.
Clearly, nuts are a great snack option. Or, if you don’t like to snack, just add them on as an appetizer to one of your meals.
Yours for better health,
Dr. Jack Belitz
PS. They are a great snack for people who want to stay healthy and also perfect for anyone who is gluten sensitive. If you are trying to loose weight or having a difficult keeping your belly down and you don’t know what insulin resistance is, you are working way too hard. Understanding the concept of insulin resistance will make loosing weight and keeping weight down much easier in life. I have a special workshop that I give each month. call the office at 402-333-4848 and you can reserve a seat for you and a friend at our next presentation at no charge.
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