Breaking News: Mandatory Flu Vaccines Don’t Help
Do you think getting the flu vaccine is important? Do you think flu vaccines serve a valuable community service? If so, you might need to rethink your position.
A recent article published in the very prestigious “British Medical Journal” just last November found “insufficient evidence” to support the claim that mandatory flu vaccinations in healthcare workers has any positive effect. That’s not the only bad news about vaccines coming out of this important journal. Now, a letter to the editor in the same medical journal indicts the measles vaccine as causing more seizures and cases of epilepsy than the actual disease itself.
The measles vaccine…
We give it to our children because the doctors tell us it’s important, but this letter pointed out that. “The risk of dying or suffering permanent injury from measles in the United States is very small, even before the measles vaccine was introduced in 1963.” So, doesn’t it make sense that the measles vaccine should only be given if the risk of dying or suffering permanent injury from the measles vaccine is significantly smaller than it is with the disease itself?
But is that the case? According to the author of this letter, the statistics show the chances of dying or having a permanent injury after getting the vaccine is greater than if you got the measles itself.
In the late 1950s and early 1960s, right before the measles mass vaccination program was introduced. Published chance of dying from measles was 1 in 10,000. That’s an incredibly low number to start with, but the fact is that the risk is even less. Much less because this number is based on the reported cases only. But statistics show that nearly 90% of measles cases are so minor that they are not reported. So, once you do the math, the actual risk of dying from measles is more like 1 in 100,000.
What About The Vaccine?
A large 2004 Danish study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association looked at 537,000 Danish children who were given the measles vaccine. They found that the risk of a child having a seizure after the measles vaccination is 1 in 640. But wait. This is 5 times higher than the risk of a seizure from the measles itself.
Lets talk about febrile seizures. That’s what happens when you give a child a vaccine and they have a seizure. A large 2007 epidemiological study found that 5% of febrile seizures, result in permanent cases of epilepsy. If you add all of the numbers up, that translates out to creating close to 300 cases of childhood epilepsy every year from our measles vaccination program.
Why is it that you don’t hear about this?
It’s because when you look at the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System for symptoms involving seizures and convulsions from all measles vaccines. (U.S. children age 6 months to 2 years, between 2011 and 2015) Gross under-reporting of vaccine related seizures. In fact, the numbers show that only 1.6% of vaccine related seizures ever get reported. By the way, there’s no reason to not suspect that other serious vaccine adverse events after the measles vaccine, including deaths, may similarly be under-reported.
I think that when you add it all up, it’s pretty obvious that the facts are that our kids are much better served by getting an actual measles infection than by getting the measles vaccine. As the author of the letter points out,because they have less chance of dying and studies also show that there is insufficient evidence that mandatory measles vaccination results in a net public health benefit.”
Neither the flu or measles vaccines have proven themselves very worthy of being labeled mandatory especially when they cause more problems than they solve and if you get the disease you have very little chance of having major complications.
Remember, I’m not giving you any advice, just sharing information that you should have in order to make an intelligent decision about what is best for you and your family. This is the kind of information that you don’t get on ABC nightly news. Even though the information is right there, reporters in the mainstream media just find other things to talk about like the Prince of England and his new fiance.
Yours in Health
Dr. Jack Belitz, DC
PS. If what you learned about the flu vaccine makes sense but you still want some help, give me a call at 402-333-4848 and I will tell you about a great homeopathic product that does an amazing job of helping your body fight off any flu viruses you encounter.
PPS You should always make sure your child’s immune system is working at full potential. It is important to get them checked at least once a month because they are so active. If your immune system is working at full potential, it is much more likely your child will be able to fight off colds and flu much more quickly. Call 402-333-4848 and we can do a quick check to make sure every thing is working the way it should.
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