Increase Immune System And Weight Loss Without Spending A Dime
Want to increase your immune system and weight loss among other things doing something that doesn’t cost anything?
Take a cold shower! Tony Robbins starts every morning by jumping into a 57-degree Fahrenheit swimming pool. Why would he do such a thing?
Cold-water immersion radically facilitates physical and mental wellness. When practiced regularly, it provides long-lasting changes to your body’s immune, lymphatic, circulatory, and digestive systems that improve the quality of your life. It can also increase weight loss, because it boosts your metabolism.
A 2007 study found that routinely taking cold showers can help treat depression symptoms, often more effectively than medications. That’s because cold water triggers a wave of mood-boosting neuro-chemicals that make you feel happy.
There is, of course, an initial fear of stepping into a cold shower. Without a doubt, if you’ve tried this before, you have found yourself standing outside the shower dreading the thought of going in. You may have even talked yourself out of it and thought, “Maybe tomorrow.” And turned the hot water handle before getting in. Or maybe you jumped in but quickly turned the hot water on.
What has helped me is thinking about it as if I’m at a swimming pool. It’s a slow, painful death to get into a cold pool slowly. You just need to jump in. After 20 seconds, you’re fine. It’s likewise to take a cold shower: You get in, your heart starts beating like crazy, and then, after like 20 seconds, you feel fine.
For me, a cold shower increases my willpower and boosts my creativity and inspiration. While standing with the water hitting my back, I practice slowing my breathing and calming down. After I’ve chilled out, I feel super happy and inspired. Lots of ideas start flowing, and I become way motivated to achieve my goals.
Plus, it’s healthy to do something in the morning that kind of freaks you out! It gets you feeling alive and sets the tone for living outside your comfort zone.
Dr. Jack Belitz, DC
PS. I HATE cold. This might sound over done, but I assure you if I could double capitalize those letters, it still wouldn’t be enough to tell my true feelings about cold. However, I’m going to give this a try for 2 weeks and see if I can make it a habit.
PPS. if you or someone you love is getting sick too often or not getting over a cold very fast, It probably means their immune system isn’t working well. While this is a possible way to jump start that system, another way is to have their nervous system checked. When the nerves aren’t working right , they can’t coordinate the immune system processes very well. If this is a possible problem for you or a loved one, I will do a computerized scan of the nervous system at no charge if you call to make the appointment with in the next week and mention this newsletter. You can forward this on to anyone you think could use the information. If this was forwarded on to you and you would like to get on the list to get this every month, call 402-333-4848 and we will put you on at no charge.
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