Reverse The Early Stages of Diabetes…. And Help Headaches Too!
Have you been told that you are at risk of getting diabetes? As you know, there are a lot of things you can do to help turn that around. The book, “A Diabetes Breakthrough”, is just one source of many that talks about them. But here’s one really simple thing that meets all of my favorite criteria. It’s safe, inexpensive, effective, and easy.
In a recent study, researchers looked at 88 men and women with diabetes. They gave half of them a placebo capsule every day. They gave the other half a capsule containing three grams of ginger powder. I’m not talking ginger extract or any other special preparation of ginger. This was just plain, ordinary ginger powder. After just two months, the results were remarkable.
The ginger group had a decrease in their fasting blood sugars of over 10% – and an additional 10% decrease in their A1c levels. Compare that to the placebo group, which saw a 21% increase in both of these tests. In addition, the ginger group had a statistically significant drop in their insulin levels combined with an increase in their insulin sensitivity. That’s a perfect combination of effects. These results all by themselves are enough to completely turn around anybody in the early stages of diabetes without any other efforts. I call that amazing.
If this were the only effect of ginger on our health, I would be more than happy tell you about it… But ginger can do much more.
One of its most important effects is that it reduces inflammation. Even the inflammation that happens after weight training. A study at the University of Georgia found that daily ginger supplementation reduced exercise-induced muscle pain by 25%. It is also good for migraine headaches, painful menses, and nausea. That holds true even for the nausea that often comes with chemotherapy.
Ginger is just another one of those examples of really good medicines that they don’t tell you about in most medical doctor’s offices. You can find ginger powder capsules everywhere. You can also just buy bulk ginger powder in the grocery store. The three gram dose in this study amounts to a little more than half of a teaspoon.
Yours for better health,
Dr. Jack Belitz
P.S. Pass this along to any of your friends who suffer from headaches It has been proven successful with my patients. If it doesn’t work, they can mention this newsletter and my assistant will set them up for a free exam to see if there is another type of simple solution that can take away their headache pain!
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