If You Are Taking Prescription Meds, Especially Cholesterol Medication… This Is Important
This particular Ted Talk is by a man who is a statistician. He talks about what happens to the brain when you get stressed out, in particular he goes into why its tough to make a good decision under stress. Decisions like taking a prescription medication.
The concept he is trying to get across is what to do to be able to make the best decisions while your under stress. He talks about developing habits so that when a stressful situation comes up, it won’t feel so stressful. (much how my work trains your body and spine to process stress more efficiently.)
One of the places people get stressed is at a doctor’s office. This is not a good place to get stressed. However this man has a great plan to get you through it. In his real life example he is being told he needs prescription cholesterol medication. Now he will walk you through how he determined whether that was a good idea for him or not.
**I’m not sure if you are familiar with Ted Talks, but this is a place where there are thousands of 15 minute talks on just about any subject you are interested in. The forum is non partisan and non profit but it is dedicated to spreading ideas. The talks are free and in order to be a presenter there is a huge process to go through and therefore only the best of the best are allowed to present. Basically every talk you listen to is full of amazing information. (If you are mostly interested in the cholesterol medication information, fast forward to the 8:33 mark and you can skip some of the beginning stuff on stress).
Dr. Jack Belitz,DC
PS If you use some of these principles, you might understand just how scary some medications really are. We have natural alternatives for many problems you might be suffering from. Call 402-333-4848 First appointment is free.
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