This month we have been creating awareness for Childhood Obesity. You be noticing so very unhealthy habits your child has. You also may be realizing the need for change to avoid or reverse obesity.
Try Watching The Video

So this begs the question, How?

Stanford study showed that 48% of the children of overweight parents become overweight themselves…. So the first thing, take a look in the mirror, be honest; Are you where you want to be? What are your unhealthy habits? Which ones are being mimicked? Let’s face it, “do I say not as I do” doesn’t always (if ever) work. Kids need to be lead, shown what healthy habits look like. If you want to help your family it starts with you, get active and healthy together!

The Science:

For every 10 pounds of fat loss about 8 pounds of that come out of your mouth, in the form of carbon dioxide! – it may sound crazy but in order to loose 10 lbs of fat, your body will let go of over 8 lbs of Carbon Dioxide gas in your breath.  It’s just plain chemistry.  When you break down fat, 2 of the ending products are Carbon dioxide and water.  The water can come out lots of ways including sweat and urine, but carbon dioxide can only be released by breathing out. That is one reason exercise is so critical for those wanting to loose weight.
Yes you can do it by not eating, but this process will break down your muscles and other proteins (you want to loose fat not muscle) and it takes so much longer to accomplish it.
Exercise can be different for different people. But you may want to keep in mind that recent research showed that interval exercise can accomplish goals much quicker and efficiently than other exercise methods. Interval exercise is nothing crazy; it just means you work out hard 30-60 seconds, and then slow down for 1-2 minutes, then hard again…. Ect. Think about the increased breathing you have in a workout like this verse a steady jog for an hour…. that is a lot of CO2!

You Can

What you eat, how much and when you eat are important factors. How much exercise you are getting is the next. You and your family can overcome the extra weight and keep it off. Give a grain free lifestyle a chance, you may be surprised! If you are not sure go back and check last week’s newsletter or video.
If this applies to someone you know, please forward this on to them.  The more people that get this information the healthier our city will be.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call the office at 402-333-4848 or email them to me at
Yours in Health,
Dr. Jack Belitz, DC