What You Can Do To Avoid Back Pain

There are lots of things you can do to avoid back pain.  Back pain is the number one most common pain for adults in the United States.  at least 40% of people over 35 will have back pain each year.


Exercise is the first way you can avoid back pain.  Regular low-impact aerobic activities are great for avoiding back pain. Exercises like walking or biking are great for getting blood flowing and toning muscles.  You want tone muscles to have the strength you need to support your back in daily activities.  30 minutes 6 days a week is a good goal to strive for.

Muscle building and flexibility

Another way to avoid back pain is to do strength exercises especially abdominal muscles.  For a strong back have a strong front is a great way to think about it.  The more tone your abdominal muscles are, the more you can do with your back.  These muscles are very important in keeping back pain away.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Excess weight is something you want to avoid if you don’t like back pain.  It is not always easy to keep a healthy weight especially as you age, but it is important.  Ask a professional what a healthy weight is for you and then use diet and exercise to get to that weight and keep it there.  There are lots of tips we can provide so feel free to message us an ask.

Quit Smoking

If you smoke you want to quit as soon as possible for lots of reasons, but avoiding back pain is a good one.  Smoking cuts down the blood supply to the back and makes the important tissues more prone to being injured.  By quiting smoking you can re-establish the proper blood supply and avoid back pain