Yogurt & Bacteria
This is nothing new for my patients because I have been singing the praises of probiotics. This new information will blow your mind!
Did you know that you have more bacterial cells in your body than you do human cells? They estimate that you have about 10 trillion human cells in the average human body and that you have 100 trillion bacterial cells. That’s right 10 times as many bacterial cells than human cells That to me is just amazing.
Some of the brands brag that they have 50 million cultures in a serving. What does that mean? Well a study was done using fresh yogurt. They found over 250 million cultures per serving! You might be thinking wow that’s great….more than they claim! But…. The reason for so many cultures is because most will die off while sitting on the shelf.
Worse yet by the time the yogurt makes it past your stomach, there are no live bacteria left even on a sample that has 250 million to start with.
You need a company that has the technology to get the bacteria through the stomach but still open up after it’s in the small intestine. The brand we care does a great job of that, however a new company has a different idea of how to do this. Instead of live bacteria, they use spores which will be find getting through the stomach acid and when they reach the perfect environment of the small intestine they start to flourish. There is definitely a difference between the 2 ideas and each one has it’s problem that it does better so we can decide which one is the best for you, but suffice it so say that we have some incredible options for you and your health. I’m very excited.
Yours in Health,
Dr. Jack Belitz, DC
PS if you are taking a probiotic and not sure if its good or not I’ll be glad to do what research I can to see if it is or not. I’m not able to find something on every one, but I’ll do my best.

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