Zinc lozenges are a popular remedy for a cold. But do they really work?
For years, scientists have conducted studies for years they’ve gotten conflicting results. Some studies showed that this mineral works, some studies showed it doesn’t.
Recently, one group of researchers conducted a meta analysis of all the published studies. They discarded any studies with poor methodology. What they were left with were double-blind, placebo-controlled studies totaling 1,387 participants.1
The researchers looked at all the different factors that could have affected the outcome of the studies – what kind, what form it was in, what dose… everything. When all was said and done, they finally had some answers that made sense.
Here’s What They Discovered…
There are several kinds of zinc that you can take for colds. But only two kinds of zinc are actually effective against colds. The best kinds are zinc gluconate and acetate. It’s the only kinds of zinc that consistently slashes the duration of a cold in half.
None of the other kinds of zinc were effective at fighting colds.
Why are zinc acetate and zinc gluconate effective and other kinds aren’t? Because they both release zinc in the form of a positively charged ion. The ionic form is what makes the difference in whether zinc can cure your cold or not.
How does ionic zinc cure your cold? First this is a powerful antiviral agent, especially against rhinoviruses. Next, ionic zinc helps your white blood cells fight cold viruses, too. It boosts their production of interferon-gamma, which is your body’s primary defense against all viral infections.
Ionic zinc also stops the cold viruses from spreading in your body. You see, cold viruses get into your cells by attaching to a microscopic molecule that moves between cells. The molecule is called ICAM-1. And if a cold virus attaches to it, ICAM-1 smuggles the virus inside the cell. Ionic zinc blocks this process and stops cold viruses from entering and infecting your cells.
Ionic zinc fights colds by minimizing stuffiness, congestion, sneezing and a runny nose. How? It inhibits the release of histamines that trigger those symptoms. In other words, it behaves just like the antihistamines some people take when they want to get rid of a runny, stuffy, congested nose.
The researchers also found that you need at least 100 mg of zinc a day to fight colds. And finally, they found that zinc is only effective when cold viruses are exposed to zinc for at least 20 minutes at a time.
You will need 20 minutes of exposure to fight colds… pills, syrups, or sprays simply don’t provide long term exposure that is most effective. Slow-dissolving lozenges that release the zinc right where the viruses are present work best.
Vitamin C
AMAZING for colds and so is a homeopathic called Viral HP. However all of these work best when you are properly adjusted. A chiropractor opens up the nerves which allow the body’s defense system to coordinate efforts to fight off viruses and bacterial infections in the most efficient manner. If you are fighting something that lasts more than 24 hours, make an appointment to get your nervous system checked and lest see if that might be the reason why or if you need extra support from vitamins or homeopathic. We love helping you fight off colds and flu with out the use of drugs.
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