What Really Causes Acne?

If you were to ask most doctors what causes acne, the answer would probably be hormones, especially in the teenage years. There are three problems with that simple answer; one is that acne is not just limited to teenagers, two more and more adults are complaining...

To Drink Milk or Not To Drink Milk…

I don’t have to tell you what a great job the milk industry has done convincing people how great and important milk is for a healthy body. The US government suggests that people should drink 3 glasses per day to be healthy. Anyone of you that know me know that I...

Secret To Looking Young Longer…

Almost everyone wants to keep looking young no matter how old they are. When you look young you feel young and when you feel young, you just feel better. Here are some of the important “Secrets” that will keep you looking and feeling yo Your Nerves...