How to Shovel snow and avoid back pain at the same time!

It looks like we will be hit with a big snowstorm this week.  They say 9.5 inches will fall on Wednesday. That means a lot of us will be shoveling snow.  This also means a lot of fo people are going to be dealing with back pain.  But it doesn’t have to be like that.  Here are some great tips to use tomorrow before you go out and deal with the white stuff.

How to Shovel without Back Pain the next day

The first thing to do before you even put on your coat is stretch.  This includes your arms, your neck, your mid back, your low back, and even your legs. It might take a minute or 2 but take the time.

The second thing is to look in the mirror sideways and see the curve in your low back and what it takes to make it bigger.  The curve in your neck and low back are important.  Many of us have lost one or both of them.  Make sure when you are bending over you are sticking your bottom out for your low back curve.  Also, make sure you are looking up for your neck curve.  Your spine is 27 times stronger with these two curves.  It may seem silly but do these.

If t is really cold, the same amount will be lighter than if the temps are near 30 or higher.  If the snow is heavy, only fill your shovel up halfway.

If you are pushing snow, go slow.  If your shovel hits a crack in the pavement, you could hurt yourself going too fast.  Take it slow and easy with your arms extended so if you do run into a crack that stops your shovel, your arms can absorb the shock.

These tips should save you from a world of hurt, however if you do ending up hurting yourself, mention this post and I will do the exam and consultation for free .  Have a good shoveling session!

snow shoveling in Omaha

Shovel snow the correct way to avoid back pain