by J | Apr 19, 2016 | Adult, Children, Our Approach
I Really Love Vitamin K I know it helps protect the heart, and it’s found in a number of foods that are rich in many other vitamins and minerals. Now I’ve discovered research that gives me yet another reason to recommend vitamin K. For this study,...
by J | Jan 19, 2016 | Adult, Children
You probably know by now that the more widely prescribed a drug is, the more skeptical I am about whether it’s such a good idea. One member of the top 10 most prescribed drug classes in particular has done nothing to change my mind. It comes with a number of...
by J | Dec 28, 2015 | Adult, Our Approach
As you get older, guess what? Your arteries also get older. The technical word for this is vascular aging. You already know that regular exercise, healthy eating, nutritional supplements, hormone replacement, and a healthy lifestyle are the foundation for slowing...
by J | Dec 20, 2015 | Adult, Our Approach
Do you like spicy food? I’m talking about that hotter than a summer night, my mouth is on fire, I need a drink now, man this tastes great type of spicy food? Well, if you do, I have some good news for you. That fire in your belly might lower your risk of dying...
by J | Nov 17, 2015 | Adult, Children, Our Approach
If you are struggle with sleep you are looking for relief, many of you for a pill to take. I’ve told you in the past how great Gaba Calm is for so many of my patients, melatonin is and Advanced Sleep Formula are also natural drug free sleep aides. Recently came...
by J | Oct 28, 2015 | Adult, Children, Our Approach
You Already Know… …the importance of fish oil in your diet. The Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in brain function, normal growth and development, and inflammation. Deficiencies in have been linked to Depression, Anxiety, High Cholesterol,...
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