I Really Love Vitamin K

I know it helps protect the heart, and it’s found in a number of foods that are rich in many other vitamins and minerals. Now I’ve discovered research that gives me yet another reason to recommend vitamin K.

For this study, published in The Journals of Gerontology, researchers examined a total of 1,089 senior participants. First, they measured the participants’ vitamin K levels. Then they assessed them on a number of attributes related to their leg strength and function. These included a short physical performance battery (SPPB), a test of gait speed, and an evaluation of their iso-kinetic leg strength.

Those who had higher vitamin K levels tended to have higher SPPB and gait speed results. They tried giving those who didn’t have adequate levels a vitamin K supplement for a few years. Sure enough, their SPPB and gait scores went up. For leg strength, those who had higher vitamin K levels at the beginning had better leg strength. But supplementing didn’t lead to improvements for the other group. This may suggest that it’s important to maintain adequate vitamin K levels consistently for a long time.

In General

…this super vitamin seems to lead to better lower-body function, even as we age. So I think it’s important to consume plenty of it. Fortunately, leafy green vegetables, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, scallions, and asparagus are full of it.

Yours for better health,

Dr. Jack Belitz, DC


While Vitamin K is important, what’s even more important is that your body is able to use the Vitamin K that you give it from your diet. This requires a nervous system that can coordinate everything from digesting the food properly and absorbing the nutrients that are present, then using those nutrients efficiently. The nervous system is the master control system of the body and if the nervous system isn’t working properly, these activities may not get done like they should.
call 402-333-4848 right now and schedule yours to make sure your nerves are working at their peak potential.