Baseball Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is common in baseball especially at the beginning of the season.  For instance, a player might go to practice and try to throw just as hard as they did at the end of the last season.  Obviously, this could cause irritation of the muscles.  The most...

Dehydration Part 2

Winter time can bring around as many people suffering from dehydration as summer time can.  One of the big problems is that the air is so dry, when you sweat you doesn’t feel it because it evaporates so quickly.  We go more into this in last week’s newsletter so go to...

The Importance Of Getting Exercise

This month we have been creating awareness for Childhood Obesity. You be noticing so very unhealthy habits your child has. You also may be realizing the need for change to avoid or reverse obesity. Try Watching The Video So this begs the...

Children And Insulin Resistance

Obesity is a big problem in our society and getting bigger all the time. Nearly 1 in 5 school age children age 6 to 19 in the United States is considered obese. Obesity leads to many other problems not the least of which is diabetes.  The toll that obesity plays on...

Your Spine & Your Immune System

Your immune system is incredible. It is why you don’t get sick every time you step inside an elevator or pick up a pen in a public place like a bank or office. It detects any potential invaders to your body, learns how to fight and kill that one, then saves the...