Your immune system is incredible. It is why you don’t get sick every time you step inside an elevator or pick up a pen in a public place like a bank or office. It detects any potential invaders to your body, learns how to fight and kill that one, then saves the information just in case that invader tries again. Don’t Forget we have videos!

Lately, we have been hearing patients talking about “a weak immune system” much more often than we ever have. The funny thing is that phrase is being used as an excuse for some people to get more immunizations but at the same time other people are using the same phrase to excuse why they are staying away from vaccines.

Is there such a thing as a weak immune system?

Think of the immune system just like any other skill set we have. It’s perfectly common to find some people who are really smart in school and others of us who are just of average intelligence. Some people can play basketball or tennis without practice way better than other people who practice multiple hours each day. We all have different potentials in sports and brains and we also have different potentials in immunity.

So do some people have a “weak immune system”? Technically yes but that is not a very big percentage of the population Those are people who were sickly as infants and are always sick throughout their life. The vast majority of the population have immune systems which have the potential to function just fine.


I believe a lot of people these days have a “weakened immune system”. This implies that their immune system is not working at it’s peak potiential and can be improved.

It’s important to remember your immune system is run by your nervous system, nerves, and if your nerves are not functioning properly then it’s very likely that you need an adjustment(s). Your entire body and every function depend on your nervous system working properly.

When you get sick your nervous system signals your immune system to produce t-cells and white bloods cells. If there is a kink your nervous system the single could be delayed or misdirected.

Why would there be a kink in your nervous system?

There are 3 types of stress that effect your nervous system; Physical-injury major or minor (just because there is no blood doesn’t mean there is no damage), Mental/Emotional-loss, work pressure and peer pressure, and Chemical-make, bug spray, food, general pollution.

There is a solution for weakened or compromised immune systems. Seeing a chiropractor and getting adjusted. There are recent studies that show increases in white blood cell counts with in 15 minutes of an adjustment. {Study From National College of Chiropractic in Lombard, Illinois}. The results are real, see for yourself.

Come Catch Our Back To School Special Promotion And Get The Whole Family Checked!

Yours In Health
Dr. Jack

PS call 402-333-4848 and schedule your appointment for the family to get checked. It’s a great time of year to do that especially now that all the big activities of summer are about over.