Alzheimer’s disease is becoming more and more common. So far, nobody has discovered what leads up to it. That is until now. In an article entitled, “Alzheimer’s Is Type-3 Diabetes – Evidence Reviewed.”

Authors summarize the accumulating evidence that Alzheimer’s disease is caused by a combination of the same factors that cause diabetes:
-excessive sugar and carbohydrate intake,
-weight gain,
-hormonal deficiencies,
-decreased fitness,
-decreased mitochondrial function,
-oxidative stress,
-and sleep disorders.

I have come across other research and articles eluding to Altzheimer’s being related to diabetes, but here’s why this group is calling Alzheimer’s “type-3 diabetes.”

They point out that the decreased function of brain tissue in Alzheimer’s is very similar to the decreased function seen in diabetes. They then state that, “Currently, there is a rapid growth in the literature pointing toward insulin deficiency and insulin resistance as the cause of the nerve damage seen Alzheimer’s”.

 4 Pieces of Evidence Indicating Factors that Cause Type-2 Diabetes Also Cause Alzheimer’s.

One, type-2 diabetes causes brain insulin resistance. This means that over time the brain cells, which normally depend on sugar for energy production, become unable to use the sugar. This leads to oxidative stress. And the combination leads to bran impairment.

Two, the majority of the early signs of damage in the brain cells of patients with Alzheimer’s show to be caused by marked disturbances in brain insulin and insulin-like growth signaling mechanisms. These are the same kinds of disturbances we see in early type-2 diabetes.

Three, scientists have already performed experiments in which they exposed the brains of mice to the drug streptozotocin. This drug causes extensive insulin resistance and diabetes in the brain cells. When they do this, they find that these mice show many of the classic features of Alzheimer’s. These include cognitive impairment and disturbances in the brain chemical acetylcholine.

Four, scientists then treat the mice with drugs currently used to treat diabetes, their cognitive impairment and their acetylcholine imbalance improves. Listen to the words of the researchers, “We conclude that the term ‘type-3 diabetes’ accurately reflects the fact that Alzheimer’s disease represents a form of diabetes that selectively involves the brain and has molecular and biochemical features that overlap with both type-1 diabetes mellitus and type-2 diabetes.”

Type-2 Diabetes Is Now An Epidemic In The United States.

This epidemic is leading to another epidemic, that of Alzheimer’s! According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), the death rate from Alzheimer’s has increase 55% in only the last 15 years! The estimates are that this increase will persist at this same rate or even worse. Current information indicates that one of the best ways to insure that you are not in that statistic is to do all of the things that prevent type-2 diabetes, and do them now.

So, whether or not you have diabetes or have a family history of diabetes, call the office. This research is very compelling and you should start now taking steps to ensure the best possible health outcomes for your future.

Yours in love and health,

Dr. Jack Belitz, DC

(This is not intended as medical advice, but it is bringing you the latest research which is available to you so you can make informed decisions for the health of you and your family. If you have any questions, please consult this office or your doctor.)