You thought you were doing the right thing when you put saccharin in your coffee instead of sugar right?


One of my favorite sayings has always been; “flush the zero-calorie, low calorie, zero-cholesterol foods or additives and anything recommended by the American Heart Association.”

I could not foresee that artificial sweeteners like saccharin, sucralose, and aspartame could cause type 2 diabetes or glucose intolerance. Getting all the sweetness without the calories by using artificial sweeteners sounded fantastic. We even thought it might put a dent in type 2 diabetes and obesity epidemics. Turns out the opposite is probably true-artificial sweeteners play a role in causing type 2 diabetes!

This was discovered when mice who were fed artificial sweeteners very quickly developed glucose intolerance while their counterparts fed sugar did not. Similar findings were made with humans. In a first-of-it’s-kind study, seven healthy human volunteers were placed on a diet containing artificial noncaloric sweeteners. Within one week four of the seven developed glucose intolerance!

Just how this happened is even more remarkable.

It turns out these artificial sweeteners make it to your gut undigested and alter your flora or microbiome (the rich population of bacteria and microbes in your intestines). This alteration changes your metabolism, favoring glucose intolerance and type 2 diabetes. This was easily proven when feces from the sweetener-fed was transplanted into germ-free mice. It immediately caused glucose intolerance while feces transplanted from sugar-fed mice into controls did not cause glucose intolerance!

 When stool was transplanted from men who developed glucose intolerance from artificial sweeteners into control mice, the mice also developed glucose intolerance. So there is no doubt whatsoever that the artificial sweeteners affected the gut microbiome, which caused glucose intolerance.
Flush the Poison and Go Natural
You should never use artificial sweeteners. Besides possibly causing diabetes or glucose intolerance, they are linked to all kinds of other problems. These and other food additives like MSG can cause untold suffering in an uninformed public. I have seen case s of constant agonizing migraines simply disappear when MSG or another additive is removed from the diet.

We’ve Known This All Along

Mentors of mine have linked the health of your gut and flora with the health or disease  of your body (including diabetes) and they had it right all along. Consistently branded as quacks by medicine, these doctors tried to alert everyone to what we now know as a basic truth-your gut (and its flora and microbiome) is absolutely critical to your health. Your microbiome is now proven to be linked to diabetes, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, pain, heart disease, depression, immune function, and much more.

  These doctors were called crazy when they told us to avoid antibiotics, prescription drugs, processed foods, and food additives like MSG and artificial sweeteners.  They were trying to get people to protect all the flora in your gut.

Here’s What You Can Do

Stop using the artificial sweeteners and take care of your gut and its microbiome. Try to avoid antibiotics at all cost.If you must take an antibiotic, be sure to use a good probiotic after your drug course. The best probiotic is Enterobiotic SIGC. It contains many different kinds of healthy replacement bacteria all in one capsule. Take 2 daily for at least three months during and following antibiotic use.
 And always nurture your gut and its flora with proper diet and by using probiotics,  If your gut is compromised as in colitis, Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel, diverticulitis, chronic diarrhea or constipation, or any other problem:
1) eliminate fast and processed foods from your diet.
2) Get the wheat and as many other kinds of grains as possible out of your diet.
3) Eat a healthy diet with plenty of raw foods.And be sure to use the proper supplements. Enterobiotic (2 daily) is an essential part of that.
  Remember, your gut is critical. Zero calorie sweeteners should not be used. A proper diet with lots of raw food should be followed. Gut enhancing supplements can be employed. And all the medical experts who labeled all those people who warned you about the importance of your gut as quacks knew nothing and still know nothing. Your gut is an absolutely phenomenal and fantastic “organ”. And the microbes in it and throughout the rest of your body make up 90% of all your genes! Take care of them, take care of yourself!