Incredible Eggs!

According to a new study, people who consumed an average of one egg per day had a lower risk of problems like heart attack and stroke, compared to those who didn’t eat eggs at all. Regular egg eaters had an 18 percent lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease.

Some experts are cautioning that you shouldn’t start adding multiple eggs a day to your diet just yet because the study didn’t explore how eating more than one egg a day can affect a person’s risk for cardiovascular disease.

Those “Experts”

have not had a chance to review the archives of this newsletter. You see, the warnings are based on the old philosophy that made doctors wary of them due to their high cholesterol content.

As you my faithful readers have learned, recent studies have proved that the cholesterol in a food does not directly contribute the the cholesterol in a person’s body. That is why dietary experts are recommending eggs more and more, thanks to their high protein and other key nutrients.

Eggs really are an amazing food full of nutrition in fact they contain almost everything that the us government recommends in a daily diet except for Vitamin C.

*Hard boiled eggs are a great shack for kids and adults alike. Boil 6 or 12 at the beginning of the week and keep them in the fridge. they are a quick grab and go snack – much better than a candy bar!!!

Thank you Briana Koeneman for this information.

For other ideas on what is good for your heart give us a call at 402-333-4848 and lets get together to discuss your concerns.