Most people have figured out that Omega-3 fatty acids are good for you and important in your diet. One researcher in Canada decided to study whether fish oil, flax oil, soy oil or hemp oils were better for fighting cancer.

An investigation was launched in three types of omega-3 fatty acids; a-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The fatty acids were tested against an aggressive form of breast cancer called HER-2.

EPA and DHA might be the omega-3s you’re most familiar with, as they’re found in fish, algae, and phyto-plankton. When people talk about “fish oils,” these are typically the oils they’re referring to. However ALA is a plant-based oil found in flax seed and soy, canola, and hemp, are known to be beneficial too.

Which Oils Worked The Best?

Mice, genetically engineered to be susceptible to HER-2, were used to study the oils’ effects. He began exposing the mice to either ALA or EPA and DHA in-utero so that he could evaluate their effects on cancer prevention. Findings confirmed that omega-3s can be a powerful cancer-fighting tool. The mice who received the marine-based oils experienced a 60-70% reduction in tumor size and a 30% reduction in number of tumors.

What about the ALA mice? They also experienced benefits, but took higher doses to get the same results.

The researcher concluded that people should focus their efforts on getting two to three servings of seafood a week, since EPA and DHA are “more effective.” I understand that when it comes to making dietary recommendations, sometimes it’s easier to suggest people make one change at a time. In that case, you certainly do want to focus on whatever will give you the biggest bang for your buck. And I think eating seafood regularly is a good idea.

Yours for better health,

Dr. Jack Belitz DC

PS But if you don’t want to change your diet at all, You can simply take The Fish Oil product we have here at the office. It is a great source of Omega 3’s.