Adjusting one simple habit could end anxiety and depression

Most of us know the feeling of not being able to kick a negative thought out of our heads. We find ourselves ruminating on it and letting the worry over the issue seep into every aspect of our day. Often, we lie awake at night going over the same troublesome thought. Now, researchers have found that people who experience this regularly could be on a vicious cycle that makes them more susceptible to anxiety and depression.

We all know that we should be getting about eight hours of sleep a night. But we aren’t all following that recommendation. And researchers at Binghamton University in New York have found that a lack of sleep may be affecting our mental health.

For a study published in the Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry

Researchers exposed participants to a variety of pictures selected to trigger emotional responses. They also evaluated the timing and duration of their sleep patterns. Overall, they found that the participants who had a harder time diverting their thoughts away from the negative images also experienced more frequent sleep disruptions. The researchers believe that failing to get enough sleep makes it harder for your mind to shift its focus off of negative intrusive thoughts. In contrast, people who got enough sleep were more easily able to recognize negative information and move on from it.

Over time, regular exposure to such negative thoughts can contribute to anxiety and depression. This study is an important link between these conditions and sleep duration. The researchers believe that further studies could provide important tools for treating anxiety and depression simply by adjusting sleep cycles and ensuring patients experience more restorative sleep.

A Good Night’s Sleep Can Do Wonders For Your Mood.

Most of us have also experienced lying awake because we can’t shut off the nagging worries in our minds. The good news is that getting good sleep regularly can help break the cycle. And I can tell you how to get it:

Having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep seem to be the biggest culprits for lack of sleep, unless you just don’t set aside enough time for a good sleep in your schedule.  although we have a very comprehensive protocol for determining sleep problems, the majority of patients who have needed help in this area have responded very well to the product Gaba Complex.  It contains natural ingredients to address all of these issues – including ingredients to boost your GABA and serotonin levels (two important neurotransmitters to help shut your brain down so you can get to sleep.  Low levels of GABA and serotonin can promote anxiety and rumination, putting you back on the cycle. This formula will help you calm and quiet your brain so you can get the rest you desperately need. The only thing it can’t do is make you go to bed on time – you’ll still have to do that one!

Yours for better health,

Dr. Jack Belitz, DC

PS Mention this newsletter and we will give you 10% off your first bottle of Gaba Complex so
you can experience how nice it is to fall asleep easily.  Call 402-333-4848 and lets get you started on the road to a great night’s sleep.