Alright! We just over a month into 2019 where are you on meeting your weight and body goals? Watch Our Video!

Tips To Help Keep You Motivated & On Track! Enjoy!

1)  Diet
alone is not the best way to get rid of extra weight. Make sure you add in some exercise at least 5-6 days a week.  You don’t have to go crazy. Walking 2 miles is plenty.  If that is too far to start, then start where you are and work up.
2) Moderation
is the key to a healthy diet all year round. You will be tempted from time to time like at parties or maybe out to dinner with friends or even just driving down the street and seeing the drive through. If you absolutely positively cannot pass up the temptation, at least limit the amount to a small portion. Make sure you take yourself away from the temptation after you have your portion so you don’t get seconds.

3) Fiber

Yes they have vitamins and other nutrients, but the biggest thing I’m talking about is fiber. The amount of fiber in your diet can greatly affect your weight, blood sugar, insulin regulation and gut health. We aren’t really sure why fiber can do all these things. A study in 2017 found that mice on a low fiber diet for just 3 days and a significant change in microbe diversity in their gut. Basically that means that the good bacterium that is so important for your gut to work right was changed just because there wasn’t enough fiber in the diet.
Basically fiber is anything that you eat that doesn’t get broken down by the digestive system. Because this food passes through the stomach undigested, it provides food for the bacteria that live in the small and large intestine. Western diets are known for being more processed food based and therefore are lower in fiber. This diet is also associated with a lot of health issues like diabetes, obesity and inflammatory disease (IBD).
The takeaway –  Eat More Good Fiber.  Salads (with real lettuce like romaine or green leaf not iceberg), broccoli, cauliflower, and other high fiber veggies.
4)  A good pro-biotic
should be a healthy part of your every day life.  Especially in today’s world with all the processed foods, Bacteria in the gut affect almost every system of your body.  Studies even show your mood is affected by proper gut bacteria.  One very important warning; be sure you get a good quality one and price is not the best way to determine that.  I have seen some very expensive ones that were very poor in quality.
Long story short the microbes in your gut are very important for you to be healthy. Eat a good amount of fiber every day. Take a good pro-biotic. These tips will help may your New You this New Year Possible `