I’ve covered a lot of topics over the past few years with this newsletter, but there is one topic that has not gotten the attention that it should. It is the cornerstone of the profession of chiropractic and especially this practice. The topic is Inmate Intelligence. If you are scratching your head right now as to what that is, then Ii will take all the blame for not making this a bigger priority thus far.

Innate intelligence

Refers to the amazing ability of your body to heal itself. Think about it, even something as simple as a cut on your finger (which you have done hundreds if not thousands of times in your life by now) gets better on its own. Did you ever consider how that happens? Immediately after the cut happens, thousands of nerves send signals up to the brain. They describe exactly how long, how deep, how many layers of tissues were damaged, basically everything about the cut. In an instant, the brain processes what needs to be done and sends the information of all the things it will need for the healing process to the small intestine so it can pick those things out of the food supply.

Then the brain uses the nerves to coordinate getting these nutrients to your finger by way of the blood. Once the nutrients arrive, the brain uses the nerves to start all the chemical reactions that will be needed to get the finger repaired. And here is the really amazing thing. Even though you have cut your finger hundreds if not thousands of times by this point in your life, your fingerprint is still exactly the same as an infant. Every swirl, every detail of that print has been perfectly preserved. That is the power of innate intelligence. This healing power is working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It cures cancer that you will never know you had, it repairs spleen and liver problems that occur all the time, but that you will never have to worry about because they won’t be a problem for you. That is the magnificence of innate intelligence. It performs countless repairs that solve problems you will never know you had.

If Your Body Can….

fix something as insignificant as a fingerprint so perfectly, how is it that people get a back pain that doesn’t go away after a few days, or keep getting recurring headaches, or get to the point of having a heart attack or anything else like that? My profession believes that Innate Intelligence will fix just about anything that goes wrong, providing the nervous system is working at full potential. The nervous system is what innate intelligence uses to coordinate all the things that need to happen for the healing processes.

If you know of someone who is always sick, or someone who never seems to have the energy they should etc, send them in for a computerized exam. This can detect problems in the nervous system which could be the cause of prolonged healing or things that are found but, that noticed. A simple computerized exam is all it takes to find out if this is an issue for you. 402-333-4848

Yours in Health

Jack Belitz, DC