It’s Almost Spring – Is Your Back Ready?

Over the winter, many people start to live a more sedentary life, especially here in the heart of the Midwest.  When the temperature is so cold outside, it’s hard to get motivated to stay active.  This could mean you are dealing with a back pain problem you aren’t even aware of.  It’s hard to realize your back has a problem when all you are doing is sitting around.

When spring activities arrive, you may finally figure out that you have a problem and need 2-4 weeks to solve it while missing out on all the fun.

You see, you may have a back problem right now.  But because you aren’t very active, you may not have done enough activity to stress you back to the point where the pain would be apparent.  This is especially true for golfers, but it can apply to anyone.  Golfers don’t really have the opportunity to do much of that activity during the winter.  So, when spring weather starts to happen, and they make their way to the driving range, they may find a very sore back.  Sometimes they chalk the pain up to doing too much on the first day, but the problem may have been there for months.  Now they have to take it easy for several weeks while their friends are getting all tuned up for the season.

If you want to avoid this

If you want to avoid losing out on springtime because of back pain and have a whole pre-season to fine-tune your game, it’s time to get a check-up now.  A straightforward computer scan can give us the information we need to ensure you can work out at your full potential as soon as the weather finally turns nice.  If there is a problem, we can get that solved before the weather gets good.

Get your spring tune-up today.    Call us at 402-333-4848, and we can get that scan done.

Back pain in Omaha, NE

Back pain in Omaha, NE, can be helped by Dr. Jack Belitz, DC.