Suffering From Eczema?

You may be frustrated to find out that there is a strong possibility that asthma could develop down the road. That’s because eczema, a-topic dermatitis, and asthma are actually closely related inflammatory conditions. It’s common for eczema to progress into asthma. This progression of AD to asthma is known as a-topic march. Researchers have known about it for many years and are investigating whether treating AD early can help slow or even stop this march to prevent asthma and other allergic diseases.

It’s not fun to think about, but one source of eczema is inflammation-inducing house dust mites are linked to both AD and asthma. Research with mice confirmed that inflammation in the skin from dust mites eventually progressed to inflamed airways. Interestingly, if the researchers directly exposed the mice’s lungs to the dust mites, the inflammatory response was quite different. This taught them a lot.

From There

Researchers wanted to know if getting the skin inflammation of eczema under control, could stop the progression to asthma. One study, combined two anti-inflammatory treatments and found that the treatment was able to alleviate the AD and reduce the inflammatory response in the lungs. They plan to keep investigating the links between the two diseases to find something that will break the chain between the diseases.

I think these researchers are on the right track. They’re so hung up on using drugs that they’re overlooking an obvious natural solution, fish oil! There are many great things about Fish Oil and if you don’t eat fish enough, it’s easier for inflammation to get out of control in your body.

Hopefully you have 3-4 servings of fish a week, but if not, a fish oil supplement is great at filling this need. You’ll find everything you need in our Fish Oil supplement! 3 tablets for adults and one for a child a day unless you have an inflammatory condition such as eczema or asthma in which case, double that amount respectively.

Yours for better health,

Dr. Jack Belitz, DC

PS fish oil is not all created the same, you need to make sure the supplement your taking is of good quality, there are a lot of poor quality fish oil tablets out there. I know the product we carry is good quality