Did you know there are things that cause weight gain that are not food related?

They are called Obesogens (That’s a fancy term that means “chemicals known to stimulate obesity”) and Endocrine Disruptors (substances known to promote hormone-based weight gain). One of the services we offer is a consultation to identify and remove products that can be causing difficulty with weight loss. Although food is the main focus, there are plenty of metabolic disruptors in your environment that have nothing to do with what you put on your plate. As my patients remove more disruptors in their life, we find their weight loss increases and becomes more permanent. You should consider removing these things from your environment:

Here are the top 5 things in patients’ homes that slow their weight loss:

Toxic Cleaning Products. – Most conventional cleaning products are loaded with fat-soluble toxins. When your body is exposed to these toxins, it stimulates the production of more fat-cells in order to protect you.

Conventional Detergents, Soaps, and Surfactants. – Look for plant-based ingredients rather than harsh industrial chemicals. If you are covering your body with chemicals, as your body is metabolizing those chemicals, it cannot metabolize fat.

Masking Air Fresheners and Scented Candles. – Many of which contain hormone-disrupting chemicals that have been proven to be detrimental to health. Instead of covering up smells, try and use natural cleaning products to eliminate them, and free up your liver to work for you and not against you.

Chemical-laced Personal Care Products and Cosmetics. – Makeup, shampoo, body lotion, deodorant, or anything that goes on your skin can go into your body. Areas of skin where a lot of hair grows (the scalp, underarms, and groin area) are near large clusters of lymph nodes.

Household Pesticides and Insecticides. – Be careful with herbicides, pesticides, and insecticides. These are potent toxins that can affect indoor air quality and can be dangerous to pets and people alike.

Exposure to any of the above could potentially boost the accumulation of fat cells in your body. As fat cells get bigger, they start to produce hormones that stimulate even more weight gain.


When fat cells shrink, they produce metabolism stimulating hormones which cause you to lose weight.  .

The key is to keep the fat cells to a minimum so your metabolism gets stimulated and it isn’t so hard to maintain a healthy weight.

If you have weight issues that you would like help with, give us a call at 402-333-4848 and we can set up a consultation time to give you the information you need to accomplish your goals.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jack Belitz, DC

PS Weight issues can affect so many parts of your life. Let us help you attain your goals. Call 402-333-4848 and let’s get started.