Have you ever heard someone say that supplements don’t work – they just produce expensive urine?

Well, if you have, you can assume that this person doesn’t take supplements, probably never has, or if they have, they likely made a huge mistake. In fact, this mistake is the number one reason people don’t take quality ones and don’t think supplements work at all. But if you can avoid this mistake, you’ll find that supplements are indeed very powerful.

There are some people with a disease called McArdle disease. One of the major symptoms is that they get tired very quickly. These people have genes that are able to make enough of the apo-enzyme for the body to do certain important processes for energy function but not enough for optimal or even normal function.

A woman went in to see her doctor and complained of getting tired very easy.

So what did the doctor do? He gave her the vitamin that forms the coenzyme for for the one her body was having trouble making enough of so her own body could make enough of it on it’s own and work more effectively.

That vitamin is B6. Only he did not give it in RDA (recommended daily allowances) doses. RDA doses may be enough to prevent outright deficiency in people with normal production, but are nowhere close to being enough for someone with less than optimal production. In one case, they gave a woman a full 70 times the RDA dose. It took two months, but the energy producing processes in the patient  started to function almost perfectly.  She was able to go on to a normal life.

This heartwarming case has several learning applications to it that our current medical system ignores. Remember that the patient described in this report was complaining of getting tired really easily. This is a symptom that doctors hear every day. It makes you wonder just how many of the patients we see with this complaint have some mild form of un-diagnosed McArdle disease. How about all the rest of the symptoms we hear every day that can’t seem to be solved with the usual remedies? Might it be that they are all just cases of other “mild” genetic disorders looking for the right vitamin or mineral in the right dose to normalize out their enzyme function?

The first doctor she saw couldn’t explain what was going on with her.

So instead of digging deeper, he simply labeled her as a psych case. I’m here to tell you right now that most people taking psych medicines have a physical cause for their symptoms. Many of them, like the patients described in this case report, simply have nutritional or toxicity issues that their doctors are just too lazy to learn about. Thank God for the docs that actually solved this riddle.

Patients and doctors alike need to be patient when taking vitamins. Remember that even when doctors apply the correct treatment, in this case vitamin B6, it still took two months for the patient to feel the results. Chronic conditions often do not clear up right away. How many patients are on the right track and then bale because the results don’t show up immediately? This is the #1 reason people fail to experience success with supplements – they give up too early. Nutrients do their work over time because it takes a while for the body to replenish a deficiency so the body can start to function normally. We just have to be patient.

So, if you have any chronic condition, make sure you’re taking enough vitamins to rule out any easliy solved problems. This especially means the B-vitamins, since most of the coenzymes produced in the body come from B-vitamins. And in people with apo-enzyme defects, your body uses up the B-vitamins very quickly, even in the face of a healthy diet. I learned very early on that of all the supplements available, giving my patients B-vitamins was the single most likely way to see benefit. This is why I suggest a multiple vitamin with such a high amount of B-vitamins. The line of Nutriplenish multi vitamins not only give  great support overall, but I can also tailor to the needs of the individual patient.

Remember… Most chronic conditions won’t respond for at least two months.

Yours for better health,

Dr. Jack Belitz, DC

If you would like more information on how important a good quality multiple vitamin is, call the office at 402-333-4848 and we can get together to describe the benefits of a vitamin tailored to your needs.