This cold and flu season is one of the worst in years.. why is that? the flu shot is on course to be administered at record levels especially to kids.

What’s The Difference Between A Cold & Flu?

A cold is characterized by a stuffy runny nose that runs like a faucet, you can have sore throat, low grade fever and just being tired in general. The fever usually goes away in a few days but runny nose and congestion can last for weeks and still be ok. One of the biggest things you need to be aware of is that they need to be drinking water. Dehydration will really cause the problem to get worse or last even longer.

Even medical spokespeople say that generally speaking, colds are viral infections and will go away on their own. Yes you heard that right. Actual medical spokespeople say the viral infections can go away on their own. Well lets be honest… They don’t go away on their own, your body fights and kills the virus with your amazing immune system.   Why do medical people have such a hard time giving the body credit for what it does?


If you are looking for a natural cough suppressant, honey is a great one especially for little kids.
With important people in the medical profession saying that common colds shouldn’t be rushed to the doctor. With record numbers of people taking the flu vaccine, the rates of the flu just keeps rising! Take a step back and ask what you can do to start preventing some of these things.

Remember, I am a chiropractor so I’m not here to give you any medical advice. Here are some things to think about; in the end it is you that has to make the decision for your body and your family. The CDC has data showing that the flu vaccine is being given at record rates, so the fact that this is the worst season for the flu in years should be come indication of how effective that vaccine is.

The Flu….

The fact is that there are over 200 strains of the flu and each vaccine can only have 2 or 3 of them. So it’s no wonder that each year the data comes out and admits that ” they missed the strain of flu that is present yet again this year. This should cause you to question whether the assault that you placed on your immune system when you had the shot was worth it. A report published in the British Medical Journal that stated they giving of a flu shot to health care workers showed no better results than not having one.

You may have already had your flu shot this year, but please take into consideration all of this data next year when it’s time to make that decision again. It seems like every year for the last few years, similar studies come out after the majority of the people have gotten their shot.

What Do You Do?

If your not going to get the shot, what do should you do? The most important thing to remember is that your own immune system is the most important weapon you have against fighting the flu. If you keep your immune system up and running strong, it should be able to fight off all the cold and flu viruses that you come into contact with. The big key to a strong immune system is a healthy nervous system. The nervous system is what runs the immune system and if that is not working at peak potential, then you will have the symptoms longer.

Get yourself checked at a very minimum at the change of each season. That is when your system is challenged the most. If you or your loved one is struggling with a cough, cold or flu, get them in here to be checked as soon as possible. The quicker the nervous system is put at full potential, the quicker you will get over that issue.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jack Belitz, DC

PS mention this newsletter and you can get a computerized check for only $1. It will only take 10 minutes so call today. 402-333-4848.