Why The Food Pyramid Is Wrong!

I had a patient ask about the food pyramid and It brought back to memory something that I had forgotten about because it has been so long.  When the government does something, it really presents the information well.  It uses colors and size and shapes that really get...

Six Best Doctors According To Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was one of the big people behind Apple.  He passed a way a few years ago at the age of 56 having reached the status of billionaire.    In his last days he wrote an amazing essay that people refer to as “the Wolds Six Best Doctors” He states that he has...

Winter Blues? Here’s What You Can Do

It’s getting to be winter; in fact I think we skipped Autumn all together this year, and winter blues are on the way One of the little known but easily available things you can take to help with this is Magnesium. That’s right. The mineral that you have heard of many...

Innate Intelligence

I’ve covered a lot of topics over the past few years with this newsletter, but there is one topic that has not gotten the attention that it should. It is the cornerstone of the profession of chiropractic and especially this practice. The topic is Inmate Intelligence....

What Is Intermittent Fasting?

Are You In The KNOW About Intermittent Fasting? A study recently came out that can be found on the JAMA network.  The study was done in Australia and was designed to study the effect of intermittent fasting and the HbA1c in people with Type 2 diabetes. almost 140...