Winter Blues? Here’s What You Can Do

It’s getting to be winter; in fact I think we skipped Autumn all together this year, and winter blues are on the way One of the little known but easily available things you can take to help with this is Magnesium. That’s right. The mineral that you have heard of many...

Depression & Alternative Treatments

Depression is a problem that I have written on before but I have noticed a big influx of people who are seeking help so I want to revisit this topic. If you suffer from depression, you are not alone. * There has been a 22% increase in prescriptions since 2001 *25% of...

How Antidepressants Cause Weak & Brittle Bones

Here’s some more depressing news about antidepressant drugs. Now, we’re learning that they cause osteoporosis and weak bones.I’m talking about selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors or SSRIs or anti depressants. These are the most widely used...

Greatly Minimize Anxiety & Depression

Adjusting one simple habit could end anxiety and depression Most of us know the feeling of not being able to kick a negative thought out of our heads. We find ourselves ruminating on it and letting the worry over the issue seep into every aspect of our day. Often, we...